Archives Recrutements
4 March 2021
Engineer for long reads sequencing
The GeT-PlaGe platform offers a position of engineer to develop and conduct methodological…
4 March 2021
Engineer for NGS Experiments and Instrumentation
The GeT-PlaGe site in Toulouse offers a position of research engineer in NGS experimentation and…
6 January 2021
Sequencing production Engineer
The Genoscope institute is recruiting an engineer (18 months fixed-term contract) to manage the…
9 December 2020
UCAGenomiX is advertising an engineering position open to CNRS mobility. The agent will have to…
4 December 2020
Biological data processing engineer
The Bordeaux Bioinformatics Centre (CBiB) has a bioinformatician position open to professional…
14 September 2020
Research Engineer Biologist
The GeT-PlaGe platform provides, through INRAE2020 mobility, a position of Research Engineer…
14 September 2020
In the context of RNA-seq protocol development, Get-TriX offers a position of transcriptomic…
17 August 2020
Assistant engineer
The I2BC institute is recruiting an assistant engineer (12-month fixed-term contract) for project…
3 June 2020
Communication Officer and QMR of France Genomics
The INBS France Génomique is recruiting on a renewable 18-month fixed-term contract a person…
6 May 2020
Head of sequencing platforme
Genoscope is hiring for a head of its high-throughput sequencing platform (30 people) Profile