Archives Recrutements
21 July 2021
Research Engineer Transcriptomic biologist - NGS
A position of Research Engineer Transcriptomic biologist - NGS is open to the INRAE 2021 mobility…
4 July 2021
Assistant engineer on short reads sequencing
GeT-PlaGe is advertising a position for an assistant engineer to implement and monitor very high…
29 June 2021
Engineer for sequencing data analysis
The GenomEast platform (Strasbourg) is recruiting an engineer for next generation sequencing data…
22 June 2021
Research Engineer (CNRS competitive recruitment)
Genoscope recruits a research Engineer (CNRS competitive recruitment) to carry out developments…
10 June 2021
OEC- Permanent positionAppointed
Software Engineer
GeT-PlaGe is recruiting a software engineer through an internal INRAE application, to work on…
7 June 2021
Engineer in Molecular Biology
Ligan is recruiting an engineer in NGS to choose, adapt and develop genetic and bio molecular…
1 June 2021
Engineer in Bioinformatics
GeT-PlaGe is recruiting a bioinformatic engineer for quality control and analyses of NGS data from…
21 May 2021
Assistant.e ingénieur.e en séquençage haut-débit
PGTB platform is recruiting an assistant biologist engineer on Illumina technology for 24 months…
22 March 2021
Assistant engineer
The NGS platform of the ICGex (Institut Curie) has a position available for an assistant engineer…
4 March 2021
OEC- Permanent positionAppointed
Research engineer in Genomics
GeT-PlaGe opens, through an INRAe extern application process, a position for a research engineer in…