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2296 résultats
Page 55 sur 77

Laurent Bouillaut et al.
Role of the global regulator Rex in control of NAD + ‐regeneration in Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile
Molecular Microbiology 2019, vol. 111, issue 6
doi: 10.1111/mmi.14245

Amna Khamis et al.
Laser capture microdissection of human pancreatic islets reveals novel eQTLs associated with type 2 diabetes
Molecular Metabolism 2019, vol. 24
doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2019.03.004

Krishna Kishore Gali et al.
Development of a Sequence-Based Reference Physical Map of Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Frontiers in Plant Science 2019, vol. 10
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00323

Michel Wassef et al.
EZH1/2 function mostly within canonical PRC2 and exhibit proliferation-dependent redundancy that shapes mutational signatures in cancer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2019, vol. 116, issue 13
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1814634116

Henri-Corto Stoeklé et al.
Genetic Data, Two-Sided Markets and Dynamic Consent: United States Versus France
Science and Engineering Ethics 2019, vol. 25, issue 5
doi: 10.1007/s11948-019-00085-4

Florence Coussy et al.
A large collection of integrated genomically characterized patient‐derived xenografts highlighting the heterogeneity of triple‐negative breast cancer
International Journal of Cancer 2019
doi: 10.1002/ijc.32266

Lucas Leclère et al.
The genome of the jellyfish Clytia hemisphaerica and the evolution of the cnidarian life-cycle
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2019, vol. 3, issue 5
doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0833-2

Charlotte Henriet et al.
Water stress combined with sulfur deficiency in pea affects yield components but mitigates the effect of deficiency on seed globulin composition
Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, vol. 70, issue 16
doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz114

Maëva Veyssiere et al.
A novel nonsense variant in SUPT20H gene associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis identified by Whole Exome Sequencing of multiplex families
PLOS ONE 2019, vol. 14, issue 3
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213387

Battle Karimi et al.
Biogeography of Soil Bacterial Networks along a Gradient of Cropping Intensity
Scientific Reports 2019, vol. 9, issue 1
doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40422-y

M. Ibrahim-Kosta et al.
Minor allele of the factor V K858R variant protects from venous thrombosis only in non-carriers of factor V Leiden mutation
Scientific Reports 2019, vol. 9, issue 1
doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40172-x

Mélodie Sawicki et al.
On a Cold Night: Transcriptomics of Grapevine Flower Unveils Signal Transduction and Impacted Metabolism
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, vol. 20, issue 5
doi: 10.3390/ijms20051130

Yann Dussert et al.
A High-Quality Grapevine Downy Mildew Genome Assembly Reveals Rapidly Evolving and Lineage-Specific Putative Host Adaptation Genes
Genome Biology and Evolution 2019, vol. 11, issue 3
doi: 10.1093/gbe/evz048

Julie Reveillaud et al.
The Wolbachia mobilome in Culex pipiens includes a putative plasmid
Nature Communications 2019, vol. 10, issue 1
doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08973-w

Christina Zeitz et al.
Where are the missing gene defects in inherited retinal disorders? Intronic and synonymous variants contribute at least to 4% of CACNA1F ‐mediated inherited retinal disorders
Human Mutation 2019, vol. 40, issue 6
doi: 10.1002/humu.23735

Aria Ronsmans et al.
Transcription-dependent spreading of the Dal80 yeast GATA factor across the body of highly expressed genes
PLOS Genetics 2019, vol. 15, issue 2
doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007999

Florian Thibord et al.
OPTIMIR, a novel algorithm for integrating available genome-wide genotype data into miRNA sequence alignment analysis
RNA 2019, vol. 25, issue 6
doi: 10.1261/rna.069708.118

Brian W. Kunkle et al.
Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing
Nature Genetics 2019, vol. 51, issue 3
doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0358-2

Johanna Chiche et al.
GAPDH Expression Predicts the Response to R-CHOP, the Tumor Metabolic Status, and the Response of DLBCL Patients to Metabolic Inhibitors
Cell Metabolism 2019, vol. 29, issue 6
doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.02.002

Cylia Haddad et al.
Silicon supply affects the root transcriptome of Brassica napus L.
Planta 2019, vol. 249, issue 5
doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03120-7

Nicolas Merienne et al.
Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression Profiling in Adult Mouse Brain Reveals Normal and Disease-State Signatures
Cell Reports 2019, vol. 26, issue 9
doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.02.003

Claire Rioualen et al.
Integrating Bacterial ChIP‐seq and RNA‐seq Data With SnakeChunks
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 2019, vol. 66, issue 1
doi: 10.1002/cpbi.72

Natalia Pinzón et al.
Functional lability of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases in animals
PLOS Genetics 2019, vol. 15, issue 2
doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007915

Anne Sophie Bourrel et al.
Colistin resistance in Parisian inpatient faecal Escherichia coli as the result of two distinct evolutionary pathways
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2019, vol. 74, issue 6
doi: 10.1093/jac/dkz090

Sara Frade-Proud’Hon-Clerc et al.
A Novel Rare Missense Variation of the NOD2 Gene: Evidencesof Implication in Crohn’s Disease
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, vol. 20, issue 4
doi: 10.3390/ijms20040835

Xavier Paul Bouteiller et al.
A few north Appalachian populations are the source of European black locust
Ecology and Evolution 2019, vol. 9, issue 5
doi: 10.1002/ece3.4776

Farah Chali et al.
Lipid markers and related transcripts during excitotoxic neurodegeneration in kainate‐treated mice
European Journal of Neuroscience 2019
doi: 10.1111/ejn.14375

Bingning Xie et al.
The anti-cancer drug 5-fluorouracil affects cell cycle regulators and potential regulatory long non-coding RNAs in yeast
RNA Biology 2019, vol. 16, issue 6
doi: 10.1080/15476286.2019.1581596

Olivier Fogel et al.
Deregulation of microRNA expression in monocytes and CD4+ T lymphocytes from patients with axial spondyloarthritis
Arthritis Research & Therapy 2019, vol. 21, issue 1
doi: 10.1186/s13075-019-1829-7

Félix Lallemand et al.
In situ transcriptomic and metabolomic study of the loss of photosynthesis in the leaves of mixotrophic plants exploiting fungi
The Plant Journal 2019, vol. 98, issue 5
doi: 10.1111/tpj.14276

2296 résultats
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