Hélène Guegan et al.
Deciphering the Role of PIG1 and DHN-Melanin in Scedosporium apiospermum Conidia
Journal of Fungi 2023, vol. 9, issue 2
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Chiara Dionisi et al.
Proprioceptors-enriched neuronal cultures from induced pluripotent stem cells from Friedreich ataxia patients show altered transcriptomic and proteomic profiles, abnormal neurite extension, and impaired electrophysiological properties
Brain Communications 2023, vol. 5, issue 1
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Susanna Säisä-Borreill et al.
General transcription factor TAF4 antagonizes epigenetic silencing by Polycomb to maintain intestine stem cell functions
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Yaqun Liu et al.
OKseqHMM: a genome-wide replication fork directionality analysis toolkit
Nucleic Acids Research 2023, vol. 51, issue 4
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Anastasia du Halgouet et al.
Role of MR1-driven signals and amphiregulin on the recruitment and repair function of MAIT cells during skin wound healing
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Anastasia du Halgouet et al.
Role of MR1-driven signals and amphiregulin on the recruitment and repair function of MAIT cells during skin wound healing
Immunity 2023, vol. 56, issue 1
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Elizabeth R. Tucker et al.
Combination Therapies Targeting ALK-aberrant Neuroblastoma in Preclinical Models
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Laura Moniot-Perron et al.
The Drosophila Fab-7 boundary modulates Abd-B gene activity by guiding an inversion of collinear chromatin organization and alternate promoter use
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EZH2mutations in follicular lymphoma distort H3K27me3 profiles and alter transcriptional responses to PRC2 inhibition
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