Ginaini Grazielli Doin de Moura et al.
A Selective Bottleneck During Host Entry Drives the Evolution of New Legume Symbionts
Molecular Biology and Evolution 2023, vol. 40, issue 5
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Adella Karam et al.
WGS Revealed Novel BBS5 Pathogenic Variants, Missed by WES, Causing Ciliary Structure and Function Defects
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Shi Yuan Feng et al.
The complex regulation of competence in Staphylococcus aureus under microaerobic conditions
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Constance Xhaard et al.
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Emile Auria et al.
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Camilla Langlands-Perry et al.
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Jana Veselá-Strejcová et al.
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Jean-Francois Gout et al.
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Molecular Biology and Evolution 2023, vol. 40, issue 5
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Kévin Robic et al.
Dissimilar gene repertoires of Dickeya solani involved in the colonization of lesions and roots of Solanum tuberosum
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Alicia Nevers et al.
Plasmid – Chromosome interplay in natural and non-natural hosts: global transcription study of three Bacillus cereus group strains carrying pCER270 plasmid
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