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Extracellular vesicles shed by follicular lymphoma B cells promote polarization of the bone marrow stromal cell niche
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Shi-Zhen Wang et al.
Complete Genome Sequences of Two Pseudomonas Species Isolated from Marine Environments of the Pacific Ocean
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Romain Daveu et al.
Sequence diversity and evolution of a group of iflaviruses associated with ticks
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Pierre-Alexis Billa et al.
Nutrigenomic analyses reveal miRNAs and mRNAs affected by feed restriction in the mammary gland of midlactation dairy cows
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Pierre-Alexis Billa et al.
Nutrigenomic analyses reveal miRNAs and mRNAs affected by feed restriction in the mammary gland of midlactation dairy cows
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Julien Fassy et al.
Versatile and flexible microfluidic qPCR test for high-throughput SARS-CoV-2 and cellular response detection in nasopharyngeal swab samples
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Miriam I. Brandt et al.
Evaluating sediment and water sampling methods for the estimation of deep-sea biodiversity using environmental DNA
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Louis Legoff et al.
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Miriam I. Brandt et al.
Bioinformatic pipelines combining denoising and clustering tools allow for more comprehensive prokaryotic and eukaryotic metabarcoding
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