
Annela Semai et al.
Complete Genome Sequence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 1800, a New Bacterial Strain with Potential for Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Environments
Microbiology Resource Announcements 2022, vol. 11, issue 2
doi: 10.1128/mra.01116-21

Grégoire Siekaniec et al.
Identification of isolated or mixed strains from long reads: a challenge met on Streptococcus thermophilus using a MinION sequencer
Microbial Genomics 2021, vol. 7, issue 11
doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000654

Wei-Jia Zhang et al.
Comparative genomic analysis of obligately piezophilic Moritella yayanosii DB21MT-5 reveals bacterial adaptation to the Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench
Microbial Genomics 2021, vol. 7, issue 7
doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000591

Simon Begrem et al.
Genomic diversity of Serratia proteamaculans and Serratia liquefaciens predominant in seafood products and spoilage potential analyses
International Journal of Food Microbiology 2021, vol. 354
doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2021.109326

Marianne Quéméneur et al.
Alkalicella caledoniensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel alkaliphilic anaerobic bacterium isolated from ‘La Crouen’ alkaline thermal spring, New Caledonia
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2021, vol. 71, issue 5
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Shi-Zhen Wang et al.
Complete Genome Sequences of Two Pseudomonas Species Isolated from Marine Environments of the Pacific Ocean
Microbiology Resource Announcements 2021, vol. 10, issue 16
doi: 10.1128/mra.01062-19

Melina Kerou et al.
Genomes of Thaumarchaeota from deep sea sediments reveal specific adaptations of three independently evolved lineages
The ISME Journal 2021
doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-00962-6

Annela Semai et al.
Characterisation of hydrocarbon degradation, biosurfactant production, and biofilm formation in Serratia sp. Tan611: a new strain isolated from industrially contaminated environment in Algeria
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2021, vol. 114, issue 4
doi: 10.1007/s10482-021-01527-5

Ping Han et al.
N2O and NOy production by the comammox bacterium Nitrospira inopinata in comparison with canonical ammonia oxidizers
Water Research 2020, vol. 190
doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116728

Sihem Guesmi et al.
Ionizing-radiation-resistant Kocuria rhizophila PT10 isolated from the Tunisian Sahara xerophyte Panicum turgidum: Polyphasic characterization and proteogenomic arsenal
Genomics 2020, vol. 113, issue 1
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