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Splicing Patterns in SF3B1-Mutated Uveal Melanoma Generate Shared Immunogenic Tumor-Specific Neoepitopes
Cancer Discovery 2021
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Melina Kerou et al.
Genomes of Thaumarchaeota from deep sea sediments reveal specific adaptations of three independently evolved lineages
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Denisa Hathazi et al.
INPP5K and SIL1 associated pathologies with overlapping clinical phenotypes converge through dysregulation of PHGDH
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Daniel Jeffery et al.
CENP-A overexpression promotes distinct fates in human cells, depending on p53 status
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Daniela Rovito et al.
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Dipti Vinayak Vernekar et al.
The Pif1 helicase is actively inhibited during meiotic recombination which restrains gene conversion tract length
Nucleic Acids Research 2021, vol. 49, issue 8
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Sébastien Coassolo et al.
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Sébastien Relier et al.
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Fang Wang et al.
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Céline Callens et al.
Molecular features of untreated breast cancer and initial metastatic event inform clinical decision-making and predict outcome: long-term results of ESOPE, a single-arm prospective multicenter study
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