
Bruno Le Cam et al.
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Claire Kamaliddin et al.
From genomic to LC-MS/MS evidence: Analysis of PfEMP1 in Benin malaria cases
PLOS ONE 2019, vol. 14, issue 6
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Adnan Khan Niazi et al.
Mitochondrial Transcriptome Control and Intercompartment Cross-Talk During Plant Development
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Lorenza Mittempergher et al.
MammaPrint and BluePrint Molecular Diagnostics Using Targeted RNA Next-Generation Sequencing Technology
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Joke G. van Bemmel et al.
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Anne-Sophie Fiorucci et al.
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Louis Gervais et al.
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Marie-Ange Palomares et al.
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Yannick Dieudonné et al.
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