
Richard R Copley et al.
Early transcriptional similarities between two distinct neural lineages during ascidian embryogenesis
doi: 10.1101/2023.12.20.572557


Hélène Bugaut et al.
A conserved transcriptional program for MAIT cells across mammalian evolution
Journal of Experimental Medicine 2023, vol. 221, issue 2
doi: 10.1084/jem.20231487

Lamia Madaci et al.
Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Using Methanol Fixation and Cryopreservation
Diseases 2023, vol. 12, issue 1
doi: 10.3390/diseases12010001

Ali Tawbeh et al.
Immune response of BV-2 microglial cells is impacted by peroxisomal beta-oxidation
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 2023, vol. 16
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Gaspard Gerschenfeld et al.
Neural tube-associated boundary caps are a major source of mural cells in the skin
eLife 2023, vol. 12
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Mariana Galvão Ferrarini et al.
Coordination of host and endosymbiont gene expression governs endosymbiont growth and elimination in the cereal weevil Sitophilus spp.
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Sirine Souali-Crespo et al.
Loss of NR5A1 in mouse Sertoli cells after sex determination changes cellular identity and induces cell death by anoikis
Development 2023, vol. 150, issue 24
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Rekha Gopalan-Nair et al.
Transcriptomic profiling reveals host-specific evolutionary pathways promoting enhanced fitness in the plant pathogen Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum
Microbial Genomics 2023, vol. 9, issue 12
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Sarah Janati-Idrissi et al.
Looking for a needle in a haystack: de novo phenotypic target identification reveals Hippo pathway-mediated miR-202 regulation of egg production
Nucleic Acids Research 2023, vol. 52, issue 2
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Manon Josserand et al.
Chromatin state transitions in the Drosophila intestinal lineage identify principles of cell-type specification
Developmental Cell 2023, vol. 58, issue 24
doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2023.11.005