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Katarzyna Siudeja et al.
Unraveling the features of somatic transposition in the Drosophila intestine
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Nicolas Huot et al.
SIV-induced terminally differentiated adaptive NK cells in lymph nodes associated with enhanced MHC-E restricted activity
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Tracy Rabilloud et al.
Single-cell profiling identifies pre-existing CD19-negative subclones in a B-ALL patient with CD19-negative relapse after CAR-T therapy
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Sofia Giacosa et al.
Cooperative Blockade of CK2 and ATM Kinases Drives Apoptosis in VHL-Deficient Renal Carcinoma Cells through ROS Overproduction
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Marie Marotel et al.
Peripheral natural killer cells in chronic hepatitis B patients display multiple molecular features of T cell exhaustion
eLife 2021, vol. 10
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