
Guilherme Dias Melo et al.
Attenuation of clinical and immunological outcomes during SARS‐CoV‐2 infection by ivermectin
EMBO Molecular Medicine 2021
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Abdulkhaleg Ibrahim et al.
MeCP2 is a microsatellite binding protein that protects CA repeats from nucleosome invasion
Science 2021, vol. 372, issue 6549
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Mohamed Belhocine et al.
Dynamics of broad H3K4me3 domains uncover an epigenetic switch between cell identity and cancer-related genes
Genome Research 2021, vol. 32, issue 7
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Frédéric Mourcin et al.
Follicular lymphoma triggers phenotypic and functional remodeling of the human lymphoid stromal cell landscape
Immunity 2021, vol. 54, issue 8
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Elisabetta Stanzani et al.
Dual Role of Integrin Alpha-6 in Glioblastoma: Supporting Stemness in Proneural Stem-Like Cells While Inducing Radioresistance in Mesenchymal Stem-Like Cells
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Mathis Nozais et al.
MYC deficiency impairs the development of effector/memory T lymphocytes
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Nicolas Huot et al.
CD32+CD4+ T Cells Sharing B Cell Properties Increase With Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Replication in Lymphoid Tissues
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Mohamed Bou Saleh et al.
Loss of hepatocyte identity following aberrant YAP activation: A key mechanism in alcoholic hepatitis
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Sébastien Riquier et al.
Long non-coding RNA exploration for mesenchymal stem cell characterisation
BMC Genomics 2021, vol. 22, issue 1
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Marion Moreews et al.
Polyclonal expansion of TCR Vb 21.3 + CD4 + and CD8 + T cells is a hallmark of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
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