
Louis-Valentin Méteignier et al.
Topoisomerase VI participates in an insulator-like function that prevents H3K9me2 spreading
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022, vol. 119, issue 27
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Claude Rispe et al.
Transcriptome of the synganglion in the tick Ixodes ricinus and evolution of the cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel family in ticks
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Raphaël Dos Reis et al.
Complex regulation of Gephyrin splicing is a determinant of inhibitory postsynaptic diversity
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Heather M. Callaway et al.
Structure of the rabies virus glycoprotein trimer bound to a prefusion-specific neutralizing antibody
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Mishal Cohen-Rengifo et al.
The extensive transgenerational transcriptomic effects of ocean acidification on the olfactory epithelium of a marine fish are associated with a better viral resistance
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Muriel Rhinn et al.
Aberrant induction of p19Arf-mediated cellular senescence contributes to neurodevelopmental defects
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Bastien Dolfi et al.
Unravelling the sex-specific diversity and functions of adrenal gland macrophages
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Nicolas Vabret et al.
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Moana Peylhard et al.
Whole blood transcriptome profiles of trypanotolerant and trypanosusceptible cattle highlight a differential modulation of metabolism and immune response during infection byTrypanosoma congolense
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Jonathan Charaix et al.
Recirculating Foxp3+ regulatory T cells are restimulated in the thymus under Aire control
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