
Joshua Malsa et al.
Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on cyathostomin eggs excretion, larval development, larval community structure and efficacy of ivermectin treatment in horses
Parasitology 2022, vol. 149, issue 11
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Roba Mohamad et al.
Mesorhizobium ventifaucium sp. nov. and Mesorhizobium escarrei sp. nov., two novel root-nodulating species isolated from Anthyllis vulneraria
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 2022, vol. 45, issue 5
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Daniel J Richter et al.
Genomic evidence for global ocean plankton biogeography shaped by large-scale current systems
eLife 2022, vol. 11
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Naama Lang-Yona et al.
Terrestrial and marine influence on atmospheric bacterial diversity over the north Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Communications Earth & Environment 2022, vol. 3, issue 1
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Marion Allaoua et al.
A carvacrol-based product reduces Campylobacter jejuni load and alters microbiota composition in the caeca of chickens
Journal of Applied Microbiology 2022, vol. 132, issue 6
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C. M. Singleton et al.
The novel genus, ‘Candidatus Phosphoribacter’, previously identified as Tetrasphaera, is the dominant polyphosphate accumulating lineage in EBPR wastewater treatment plants worldwide
The ISME Journal 2022
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Pedro Goncalves et al.
Defects in mucosal immunity and nasopharyngeal dysbiosis in HSC-transplanted SCID patients with IL2RG/JAK3 deficiency
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Juan José Pierella Karlusich et al.
A robust approach to estimate relative phytoplankton cell abundances from metagenomes
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Lukas Hafner et al.
Listeria monocytogenes faecal carriage is common and depends on the gut microbiota
Nature Communications 2021, vol. 12, issue 1
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Marta Royo-Llonch et al.
Compendium of 530 metagenome-assembled bacterial and archaeal genomes from the polar Arctic Ocean
Nature Microbiology 2021, vol. 6, issue 12
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