
Marinna Gaudin et al.
Ecological associations distribution modelling of marine plankton at a global scale
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2024, vol. 379, issue 1909
doi: 10.1098/rstb.2023.0169

Françoise Irlinger et al.
A comprehensive, large-scale analysis of “terroir” cheese and milk microbiota reveals profiles strongly shaped by both geographical and human factors
ISME Communications 2024, vol. 4, issue 1
doi: 10.1093/ismeco/ycae095

William Timothy Treal Taylor et al.
High altitude horse use and early horse transport in eastern Eurasia: New evidence from melting ice
The Holocene 2024
doi: 10.1177/09596836241254484

Ping Han et al.
Unveiling unique microbial nitrogen cycling and nitrification driver in coastal Antarctica
Nature Communications 2024, vol. 15, issue 1
doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47392-4

Christophe Djemiel et al.
Unraveling biogeographical patterns and environmental drivers of soil fungal diversity at the French national scale
SOIL 2024, vol. 10, issue 1
doi: 10.5194/soil-10-251-2024

Nils Giordano et al.
Genome-scale community modelling reveals conserved metabolic cross-feedings in epipelagic bacterioplankton communities
Nature Communications 2024, vol. 15, issue 1
doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46374-w

Camille d’Humières et al.
Perturbation and resilience of the gut microbiome up to 3 months after β-lactams exposure in healthy volunteers suggest an important role of microbial β-lactamases
Microbiome 2024, vol. 12, issue 1
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Angelina Beavogui et al.
The defensome of complex bacterial communities
Nature Communications 2024, vol. 15, issue 1
doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46489-0

Nilmara de Oliveira Alves et al.
The colibactin-producing Escherichia coli alters the tumor microenvironment to immunosuppressive lipid overload facilitating colorectal cancer progression and chemoresistance
Gut Microbes 2024, vol. 16, issue 1
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Téo Lemane et al.
Indexing and real-time user-friendly queries in terabyte-sized complex genomic datasets with kmindex and ORA
Nature Computational Science 2024, vol. 4, issue 2
doi: 10.1038/s43588-024-00596-6