
Diamantis Sellis et al.
Massive colonization of protein-coding exons by selfish genetic elements in Paramecium germline genomes
PLOS Biology 2021, vol. 19, issue 7
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Laurence Armand-Lefèvre et al.
Dynamics of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales colonization in long-term carriers following travel abroad
Microbial Genomics 2021, vol. 7, issue 7
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Simon Begrem et al.
Genomic diversity of Serratia proteamaculans and Serratia liquefaciens predominant in seafood products and spoilage potential analyses
International Journal of Food Microbiology 2021, vol. 354
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Cristina Roquet et al.
Evolutionary origins and species delineation of the two Pyrenean endemics Campanula jaubertiana and C. andorrana (Campanulaceae): evidence for transverse alpine speciation
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Alexis Groppi et al.
Population genomics of apricots unravels domestication history and adaptive events
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Nick Riddiford et al.
Evolution and genomic signatures of spontaneous somatic mutation in Drosophila intestinal stem cells
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Angela Bellini et al.
Frequency and Prognostic Impact of ALK Amplifications and Mutations in the European Neuroblastoma Study Group (SIOPEN) High-Risk Neuroblastoma Trial (HR-NBL1)
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Angela Bellini et al.
Frequency and Prognostic Impact of ALK Amplifications and Mutations in the European Neuroblastoma Study Group (SIOPEN) High-Risk Neuroblastoma Trial (HR-NBL1)
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021, vol. 39, issue 30
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Nicolas Cabanel et al.
Evolution of VIM-1-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from a Hospital Outbreak Reveals the Genetic Bases of the Loss of the Urease-Positive Identification Character
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Alexandre Serero et al.
Recombination in a sterile polyploid hybrid yeast upon meiotic Return-To-Growth
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