
Karine Cahier et al.
Divergence in bacterial ecology is reflected by difference in population genetic structure, phage-predator load and host range
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Claudia Pogoreutz et al.
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Marine Biology 2022, vol. 169, issue 9
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Benjamin Penaud et al.
SNP4OrphanSpecies: A bioinformatics pipeline to isolate molecular markers for studying genetic diversity of orphan species
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S. Legood et al.
A Defect in Lipoprotein Modification by Lgt Leads to Abnormal Morphology and Cell Death in Escherichia coli That Is Independent of Major Lipoprotein Lpp
Journal of Bacteriology 2022, vol. 204, issue 9
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Egill Richard et al.
Genetic drivers of chromosomal integron stability
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Marta Lourenço et al.
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Riccardo Gamba et al.
Enrichment of centromeric DNA from human cells
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Juliette Coursimault et al.
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Salima Tighidet et al.
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Olaya Rendueles et al.
Competition between phage-resistance mechanisms determines the outcome of bacterial co-existence
doi: 10.1101/2022.07.11.499539