Archives Publications

Nadia Jeremiah et al.
RELA tunes innate-like interferon I/III responses in human T cells
Journal of Experimental Medicine 2023, vol. 220, issue 5
doi: 10.1084/jem.20220666

Naveen S. Vasudev et al.
Application of Genomic Sequencing to Refine Patient Stratification for Adjuvant Therapy in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Clinical Cancer Research 2023, vol. 29, issue 7
doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-22-1936


J. Soulier, T. Walter, et alet al.
“Spatial transcriptomics for respiratory research and medicine.” S. Curras-Alonso, J. Soulier, T. Walter,et al.Eur Respir J2021; 58: 2004314
European Respiratory Journal 2023, vol. 61, issue 2
doi: 10.1183/13993003.54314-2020

Victoria Michaels et al.
Co-Transplantation of Barcoded Lymphoid-Primed Multipotent (LMPP) and Common Lymphocyte (CLP) Progenitors Reveals a Major Contribution of LMPP to the Lymphoid Lineage
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023, vol. 24, issue 5
doi: 10.3390/ijms24054368

Gregoire Le Provost et al.
Oak stands along an elevation gradient have different molecular strategies for regulating bud phenology
BMC Plant Biology 2023, vol. 23, issue 1
doi: 10.1186/s12870-023-04069-2

Océane Blaise et al.
Complete Genome Sequences of Bioluminescent Staphylococcus aureus Strains Xen31 and Xen36, Derived from Two Clinical Isolates
Microbiology Resource Announcements 2023, vol. 12, issue 3
doi: 10.1128/mra.00024-23


Lise Folon et al.
Contribution of heterozygous PCSK1 variants to obesity and implications for precision medicine: a case-control study
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2023, vol. 11, issue 3
doi: 10.1016/s2213-8587(22)00392-8

Dmitrii Y. Travin et al.
Dual-Uptake Mode of the Antibiotic Phazolicin Prevents Resistance Acquisition by Gram-Negative Bacteria
mBio 2023
doi: 10.1128/mbio.00217-23

Julien Vigneaud et al.
DNA hypomethylation of the host tree impairs interaction with mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungus
New Phytologist 2023, vol. 238, issue 6
doi: 10.1111/nph.18734

Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine et al.
FrangiPANe, a tool for creating a panreference using left behind reads
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2023, vol. 5, issue 1
doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqad013