Archives Publications

Doublet V. et al.
Brain transcriptomes of honey bees (Apis mellifera) experimentally infected by two pathogens: Black queen cell virus and Nosema ceranae
Genom Data. (2016) 10:79-82

Aburjaile FF. et al.
Adaptation of Propionibacterium freudenreichii to long-term survival under gradual nutritional shortage
BMC Genomics. (2016) 17:1007

Leitwein M. et al.
Genome-wide nucleotide diversity of hatchery-reared Atlantic and Mediterranean strains of brown trout Salmo trutta compared to wild Mediterranean populations
J Fish Biol. (2016) 89:2717-2734

Weissenbach, J. et al.
Microbiotes and metagenomics
M S-Medecine Sciences. (2016) 32(11): p. 937-943

Weissenbach J.
The rise of genomics
Comptes Rendus Biologies. (2016) 339(7-8): p. 231-239

Vannier, T. et al.
Survey of the green picoalga Bathycoccus genomes in the global ocean
Scientific Reports. (2016) 6: p. e37900


Vanhove, A.S. et al.
Copper homeostasis at the host vibrio interface: lessons from intracellular vibrio transcriptomics
Environmental Microbiology. (2016) 18(3): p. 875-888

Roux, S. et al.
Ecogenomics and potential biogeochemical impacts of globally abundant ocean viruses
Nature. (2016) 537(7622): p. 689-693


Roquet, C. et al.
Understanding the evolution of holoparasitic plants: the complete plastid genome of the holoparasite Cytinus hypocistis (Cytinaceae)
Annals of Botany. (2016) 118(5): p. 885-896

Plucain, J. et al.
Contrasting effects of historical contingency on phenotypic and genomic trajectories during a two-step evolution experiment with bacteria. BMC
Evolutionary Biology. (2016) 16: p. 86