Archives Publications

Roux PF. et al.
Combined QTL and selective sweep mappings with coding SNP annotation and cis-eQTL analysis revealed PARK2 and JAG2 as new candidate genes for adiposity regulation
G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Feb 3;5(4):517-29

Boulay AC. et al.
The Sarcoglycan complex is expressed in the cerebrovascular system and is specifically regulated by astroglial Cx30 channels
Front Cell Neurosci. 2015 Feb 2;9:9

Cottrez F. et al.
SENS-IS, a 3D reconstituted epidermis based model for quantifying chemical sensitizationpotency: Reproducibility and predictivity results from an inter-laboratory study
Toxicol In Vitro.. 2016 Jan 18;32:248-260

Thierry A. et al.
Macrotene chromosomes provide insights to a new mechanism of high-order gene amplification in eukaryotes
Nat Commun.2015 Jan 30;6:6154

Satgé al
Reprogramming of DNA methylation is critical for nodule development in Medicago truncatula
Nat Plants
doi: 10.1038/nplants.2016.166

Pasquier J. et al.
Gene evolution and gene expression after whole genome duplication in fish: the PhyloFish database
BMC Genomics. (2016) 17:368

Bataillon T. et al.
A replicated climate change field experiment reveals rapid evolutionary response in an ecologically important soil invertebrate
Glob Chang Biol. (2016) 22:2370-9

Gautier M. et al.
Deciphering the wisent demographic and adaptive histories from individual whole-genome sequences
Mol Biol Evol. (2016) 33:2801-2814

Pontvianne F. et al.
Identification of Nucleolus-Associated Chromatin Domains Reveals a Role for the Nucleolus in 3D Organization of the A. thaliana Genome
Cell Rep. (2016)16:1574-87

Picard MA. et al.
Sex-Biased Transcriptome of Schistosoma mansoni: Host-Parasite Interaction, Genetic Determinants and Epigenetic Regulators Are Associated with Sexual Differentiation
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. (2016) 10:e0004930