Archives Publications

Le Bescot N. et al.
Global patterns of pelagic dinoflagellate diversity across protist size classes unveiled by metabarcoding
Environmental Microbiology. 2015

Kopylova E. et al.
Deciphering metatranscriptomic data
Methods in molecular biology. (Clifton, NJ), 2015, 1269:279-291

Jacquet F. et al.
Phylogeography and evolutionary history of the Crocidura olivieri complex (Mammalia, Soricomorpha) : from a forest origin to broad ecological expansion across Africa
Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 2015, 15:71

Hespeels B. et al.
Against All Odds : Trehalose-6-Phosphate Synthase and Trehalase Genes in the Bdelloid Rotifer Adineta vaga Were Acquired by Horizontal Gene Transfer and Are Upregulated during Desiccation
PLoS One. 2015, 10(7) :e0131313

Halter D. et al.
Arsenic hypertolerance in the protist Euglena mutabilis is mediated by specific transporters and functional integrity maintenance mechanisms
Environmental Microbiology 2015, 17(6):1941-1949

Grosjean S. et al.
Improving biodiversity assessment of anuran amphibians using DNA barcoding of tadpoles. Case studies from Southeast Asia
Comptes Rendus Biologies 2015, 338(5):351-361

Goudenege D. et al.
A single regulatory gene is sufficient to alter Vibrio aestuarianus pathogenicity in oysters
Environmental Microbiology. 2015,17(11):4189-4199

Gasmi L. et al.
Recurrent Domestication by Lepidoptera of Genes from Their Parasites Mediated by Bracoviruses
Plos Genetics. 2015, 11(9) :e1005470

Galimand M. et al.
AAC(3)-XI, a New Aminoglycoside 3-N-Acetyltransferase from Corynebacterium striatum
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2015, 59(9):5647-5653

Fuchs J. et al.
The complex phylogeography of the Indo-Malayan Alophoixus bulbuls with the description of a putative new ring species complex
Molecular Ecology. 2015, 24(21):5460-5474