Archives Publications

Pante E. et al.
An inter-ocean comparison of coral endemism on seamounts : the case of Chrysogorgia
Journal of Biogeography 2015, 42(10):1907-1918

Nurden AT. et al.
Expanding the Mutation Spectrum Affecting alpha IIb beta 3 Integrin in Glanzmann Thrombasthenia : Screening of the ITGA2B and ITGB3 Genes in a Large International Cohort
Human Mutation. 2015 36(5):548-561

Nicolas V. et al.
Recent species in old Islands : the origin of introduced populations of Litoria aurea (Anura : Hylidae) in New Caledonia and Wallis
Amphibia-Reptilia. 2015 36(1):65-81

Morel G,. et al.
Differential gene retention as an evolutionary mechanism to generate biodiversity and adaptation in yeasts
Scientific Reports. 2015 5:11571

Massana R. et al.
Marine protist diversity in European coastal waters and sediments as revealed by high-throughput sequencing
Environmental Microbiology. 2015 17(10):4035-4049

Marsit S. et al.
Evolutionary Advantage Conferred by an Eukaryote-to-Eukaryote Gene Transfer Event in Wine Yeasts
Molecular Biology and Evolution 2015 32(7):1695-1707

Madoui MA. et al.
MaGuS : a tool for map-guided scaffolding and quality assessment of genome assemblies
Biorxiv 2015

Loux V. et al.
Mutations and genomic islands can explain the strain dependency of sugar utilization in 21 strains of Propionibacterium freudenreichii
Bmc Genomics. 2015 16(1):296

Lima-Mendez G. et al.
Determinants of community structure in the global plankton interactome
Science 2015, 348(6237):1262073

esur I. et al.
The oak gene expression atlas : insights into Fagaceae genome evolution and the discovery of genes regulated during bud dormancy release
Bmc Genomics. 2015, 16:112