Archives Publications

Libertini E. et al.
Overexpression of the Heterochromatinization Factor BAHD1 in HEK293 Cells Differentially Reshapes the DNA Methylome on Autosomes and X Chromosome
Front Genet. 2015 1;6:339

Manfrini N. et al.
RNA-processing proteins regulate Mec1/ATR activation by promoting generation of RPA-coated ssDNA
EMBO Rep. 2015

Smith M.J. et al.
Mutations in LZTR1 add to the complex heterogeneity of schwannomatosis
Neurology. 2015

Bellini A. et al.
Deep sequencing reveals occurrence of sub-clonal ALK mutations in neuroblastoma at diagnosis
Clin. Cancer Res. 2015

Grünewald, T.G.P. et al.
Chimeric EWSR1-FLI1 regulates the Ewing sarcoma susceptibility gene EGR2 via a GGAA microsatellite
Nature Genetics. 2015

Madic J. et al.
Circulating tumor DNA and circulating tumor cells in metastatic triple negative breast cancer patients
Int. J. Cancer. 2015

Lebofsky R. et al.
Circulating tumor DNA as a non-invasive substitute to metastasis biopsy for tumor genotyping and personalized medicine in a prospective trial across all tumor types
Molecular Oncology. 2015

Holmes A. et al.
Mechanistic signatures of HPV insertions in cervical carcinomas
Npj Genomic Medicine. 2015

Dheilly NM. et al.
A family of variable immunoglobulin and lectin domain containing molecules in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata
Dev Comp Immunol. 2015 48:234-43

Reynders A. et al.
Transcriptional Profiling of Cutaneous MRGPRD Free Nerve Endings and C-LTMRs
Cell Rep. 2015 S2211-1247(15)00047-9