Sequencing platform of Lyon
ProfileXpert ( is a genomics and microgenomics platform of the University of Lyon1 affiliated to the SFR santé Lyon-Est (UCBL UMS 3453 CNRS – US7 INSERM).
Its activities are organised in 3 sections :
- services in genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, regulatory and metagenomics, mainly through new generation sequencing technologies for public or private laboratories or companies
- research and development projects in partnership with academic laboratories or private companies (ANR, FEDER, FUI and European projects)
- a training activity.
- Sequencers MiSeq, NextSeq 500 et HiSeq2500 (Illumina), MinION (Oxford Nanopore)
- Microdissectorr laser PixCell II (Arturus)
- Single cell analyses : DEParray ( Silicon Biosystem); C1 single cell autoprep system (Fluidigm)
- 2 Affymetrix microarray scanner et 1 Iscan miccroarray scanner (Illumina)
- 1 compute server HP (computations)
Main achievments
The platform is specialised in genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics and metagenomics (microbiome, virome, fungiome) studies using microquantities of biological materials. Samples can be sorted by FACS or laser microdissection or from single cells. The platform is also specialised in the analysis of degraded samples (FFPE, chemically or heat deactivated infected tissues).

Certification / Quality Assurance
The platform is ISO 9001 and NFX 50-900 certified and MOT authorized (authorisation given by the ANSM to handle products of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins).

Platform Managment
Joël Lachuer, PhD
Plateform director
Faculté de Pharmacie de Lyon,
8 avenue Rockefeller
69 373 Lyon Cedex 08 – France