7,28M€ funding awarded to France Génomique Research Infrastructure


In a highly competitive call part of the France 2030 Plan, France Génomique was selected to receive special funding to upgrade its technology offer and implement tomorrow’s technological and methodological developments in sequencing and data processing.

Securing Next-Generation Instruments for Sequencing

In recent decades, innovations in DNA/RNA sequencing have led to technological revolutions that had strong impacts in important societal fields such as agronomy, biodiversity and human health. Life scientists need to have easy access to these technologies and France Génomique, with 13 top-notch facilities and thousands of users, is best placed to develop, implement and give access to the latest sequencing technologies to the national and international community.

In 2024, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research allocated 80 M€ for a call dedicated to the National Research Infrastructures in Biology and Health (Programme Investissement d’Avenir)  to keep their research and technologies at the highest level of excellence.

France Génomique was a laureate of the call with 7.28M€, among those, 4M€ will be invested to rejuvenate and upgrade existing technologies, 2.2M€ will serve to implement new technologies and 1M€ will be invested in upgrading the computing power for bioinformatics analyses.